Sorry for the late post, and a special sorry to Sarah who made sure I realized I hadn't posted an update, sorry daughter.
The reason I didn't post last night was because it was gonna be a downer post, my clever title was to be "1 step forward 2 steps back". What happened was Tami was getting very sick to her stomach, repeatedly, She was given contrast for a CT scan, and if you ever had one of those done they give you a nasty drink to take before the scan, well when you cant keep a sip of water down, the last thing you want to be told is you have to drink that crap. She is a trooper tho, and held it down for the scan, not much longer.
Back to the tube, now the first time was for surgery, she was asleep for that, the next time was as I described earlier, and it sucked. Third time, well, she knew what was coming, and was even less unpleasant than before, but it had to be done. She was throwing up stomach acid and other nasty things from her GI track. As much as the tube sucked, the throwing up was worse for her.
Wait, not done there, the CT scan. Turns out she had some sort of an obstruction. What does this mean? Worst case scenario back to surgery if it didn't clear itself up. Now the last thing you want to do after a major surgery is go back in a week or two later.
Debbie, Tami's sister had come down to give me a break, I went and got a room at the hotel and got caught up on sleep, caught up on laundry, and felt very guilty because I could get a break so easy and she couldn't. Needless to say, I didn't want to re-live the days events in this blog.
Today, after sleeping way to long, getting my clothes washed and getting back here to her, things were about the same, they had done some x-rays to check out and confirm the obstruction, confirmed. Deb was able to talk to someone here about a bad experience with an Intern resident, she has the worst bedside manners, rolling her eyes, shaking her head. A plus for today was Tami's brother showing up.
Tami was staying strong tho, she was up walking, goin down for smokes (now Kuri, no "I told you so") We went down for a 1st smoke, and she thought she had passed gas, but wasn't sure. I was hopeful, but thought maybe it was a fluke. We went down for a second smoke, and before we got to the outside door it happened. She had a bowel movement, nothing huge, but a huge event none the less. Then the flood gates opened, she was a pooping machine, larger movements, gas, unbelievable. Even her surgeon, who by the way is the greatest doctor I had ever met, couldn't believe it, and what better timing for Tami to do this when the Surgeon was on the floor.
A special side note, I got to see the inside of a woman's bathroom today, sacred and hollowed ground, although the woman that came in after Tami didn't seem all that impressed.
Bottom line is that this is a huge turn for us, we are not out of the woods yet, but we can see the light. They will eave the tube in over night and make sure she stays decompressed, they will do new scans in the morning to see how the obstruction is progressing. She could be back on fluids tomorrow.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Please let Tami know that we are praying for her and thinking about you two constantly. Let her know that today Booga told me he was Nana's boy, not mine :( I asked why, and he said "cuz nana's so pwitty" (pretty). I thought it was sooo sweet! Also, kj was planning on making a trip towards the end of the weekend possibly w/ Sarah. More on that later. Love,KKM&K
This time next year this will just be a memory that Tami and Norm will surely find some things to chuckle about with her healthy again. I look forward to that time and as always, Tami is in my prayers.
such a struggle, but believe me there will be better days ahead. with spring coming soon, so will better days for you two. the Lord provides for such great people as you two. Barb and Dale
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