I got home last tuesday. I apologize for not updating sooner, just haven't felt really good. The surgery was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. Norm did a good job updating the blog, he is the best husband I could ever ask for. He spent close to two weeks there at the hospital and I know how hard it was. My brother flew in from phoenix and stayed with me for a week at the hospital, he is such a awesome big brother, it makes me cry to think how much he cares about me. He is my hero! It is so weird that there are entire days I have no recollection of, and then many days I recall but was totally out of my mind. Every day I hallucinated that I was in a different room, one day a disco hall, one day someones home back room, one day I even asked norm to get the arms and legs off of my shelves. I still don't know exactly what kept me at the hospital for so long, they said a blockage, then a ileus(bowel not awake) There was one day I felt like I just wanted to die, I was just so sick. I feel so guilty for asking God to take me to heaven that day.
I am regaining my strength just slower than I want, and that is frustrating. I feel like I have just lost my spirit so have been praying hard to regain my spirit. I know alot of it is the pain meds and zantax i am on.
I am forever grateful for all the love and care shown to me and continues to be shown to me. It's gotta be a tough job taking care of me and my family just continues on.
My incision opened up a little today so that is just plain nasty having to pack it with gauze. I used to love medicine, medical shows and even went thru medical assistant school years ago and now it just turns my stomach. I dread thinking about packing this incision.
Thank you all so very much for your positive thoughts and prayers, I know this is what got me thru and continues to get me thru the day.
I was so pleasently surprised with a huge bouqet of flowers from a online candle making group I belong to, how awesome, I don't even really know these people and yet they were praying for me. I have so much going for me, how can I not kick these last few tumors to the curb?
I am amazed to tears with the kindness of everyone and I thank you so very much. One breath at a time, I will overcome this. I have much more to share from my hospital stay but will save it for another time
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Tami -
So good to have back! I am sure if any of us could, we would take some of your pain to give you a break ... don't give up now, you have shown us all that giving up is not an option - when doctors said they could not operate, you proved them wrong. Hang in there and live strong! Prayers of strength and relief are headed your way.
Tami, You are so strong, and I'm so glad we got to spend the time together that we did today! You are an amazing woman, and the size of the fight in you is overwhelming. I love you and the kids send their hugs...See you Wednesday!
Love, Kristi and family
Glad to see you're home! About your reluctance to pack you wound, is it possible that you're anemic? Wouldn't be surprising after a surgery. I do know that if you are anemic, you get woozy looking at blood and stuff even if you were never like that before. Happened to me. It got a lot better after the anemia was resolved, but never quite to the degree I started with. And if they make you take iron pills, be aware that some types can make you feel downright sick (especially if your liver is not 100%), so you need to find one that you can tolerate. Keep getting better!
-- the lounge queen
Tami: so glad that you are back home, and working on your blog. so good to hear from you. Norm did a great job, but so good to see you back at it. hope that you get stronger each day. please stay strong. you are as always in our prayers and thoughts every day. Barb and Dale
Tami: how are things going. so anxious to hear from you again. hope things are going well.
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