Well I had been feeling since last thursday that Mayo was going to call, and they did on Friday. They said no to surgery at this time, They say even though they believe lots on my liver is just scar tissue, there is just too much cancer, they also talked about an area in my pelvis, this is the first I had heard of this, but they acted like it was nothing new. They didn't talk to the surgeon there, so who knows.
So on Tuesday, we went to the Univ. of Chicago to see the surgeon there, unfortunately we knew even before we arrived that we didn't have all of my records that I had been working hard to get and was promised everything was there from my oncologists office, too bad on Monday night when I opened the packet, it wasn't all there. There were 4 ct discs in the packet so I thought at least we had the ct scans. Well even more disapointment as the surgeon said, I had every scan except for the one view he needed from the last scan.. ARGH! So, he couldn't give me a yes or no to surgery, so there is still hope from him. I have to get that one, along with the pet scan I will have tomorrow and the ct scan I will have on Monday and send them all up to him and then he will give me a call. I am starting to have a love hate relationship with my cell phone, never know what kind of news I am going to get. So I imagine it will be late next week when I hear back from them.
I made the decision to change oncologists after a few more mess ups with my Dr. My new Dr says I have lots of options and seems more hopeful than I do, so that is aBIG change from my old oncologist that uttered his first words to me as .. do you wanna know how long you have.
More patience for me I suppose, not easy but again what choice do I have? Thanks for the prayers all, keep them coming, I'm not done fighting this beast yet!
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
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