I went to the new Dr for chemo this time, the experience there was like a new day. The nurses are so cheery and helpful. It was quite noisy there, and as usual they sat me next to a talker. Really nice older man that has been battling cancer since 1994.. wow! The nurses are wonderful, sitting down to explain my bloodwork to me, nd throughout the treatment. Treatment took forever, well 6 hours, but it seemed as if they were administerating everything like they should have all along. The nurses were shocked when I told them I was getting chemo in sometimes 2 hours at the other place. The new nurse told me, just one of the drugs they are giving me is to be dosed for 2 hours alone, not counting the others.. things that make ya go hmmmmm. See why I am liking this other Dr????
The tingliness in my hands and feet have gotten worse, even touching a door handle felt like i had been shocked, even typing today the fingers are tingling badly.
They did withhold the avastin, while waiting to hear from the surgeon, which I still have no word from, I am hopeful that is good news rather than bad, perhaps he is figuring out what he can do for me instead of what he can't do. I am worried about not getting the avastin, but perhaps they know better than I do. I still haven't gotten the results from last weeks ct and pet scan either. I imagine it is lost in my Dr cahnging this week. I really like the new Dr, there seems to be a huge wait, but I can deal with it for the better attitude there. They toldme yesterday that they hope to have my ct results on tuesday when I have a Dr appt. It's so unreal that difference in Dr's offices, they are going to recheck my blood on tuesday as they want to see what the chemo is doing to me, novel idea I hadn't heard of before.
My sister Sherry took me to chemo, Thank God for her. I don't think, no I know I couldn't do this without my sisters. Getting rides to appt's has been nearly impossible. Norm has been using up his vacation time already and I hate that as I hope we will need that for surgery.. nice thought huh? what are you gonna do on vacation this year.. well we are hoping my wife can have a major surgery that can lengthen her life.. ah hell, who needs to go on a cruise anyways?
The side effects seem less this time overall, so I am going to try to enjoy my weekend. Thanks for all your prayers, please keep praying for me, I just know it is working!
Also I want to say how much I appreciate your comments on my blog. People have asked if I can see them, YES, thank you so much. You don't have to sign up for a account to post a comment just choose anonymous. Every call, card, comment and visit I get helps me to have strength to get through this. Thank you all so very much for commenting. Some people have asked me how can they comment on my blog, just click on comments at the bottom of each post and there will be a box to type in your comments.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
it was so good to see you last week. hope that things continue well with your new Dr. I have heard nothing but good about him. I will call you this coming week to set up a time for a party in February. have a good weekend. Barb Clifton
This is great news, Tami. So nice to hear the nurses at chemo made you feel good. Attitude is EVERYTHING. I can hear the difference in your "voice" on this blog.
If you are ever without ride, give me a yell. I can try to work something.
Jackie K.
Can't wait for our February candle party.
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