It's going to be my new slogan. What Would Tami Do (W.W.T.D.). Those of us that knew her, ask yourself before doing something, what would Tami do, or say to you if she were here. I know there are a number of things that should have been run through this process already. So ask yourself... would Tami slap you upside your head?
Today sucks, 4 weeks. I get lonely in a crowd now, no idea if anyone understands what I mean, if you do, it sucks. I feel less lonely in this house all alone. Although this house sucks all alone too. I just have a dislike for life today. Not going to share much right now, it would probably all be negative.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
I totally get it. Without your companion you are alone even in a crowd. The house situation will take some time Norm. You have to give yourself time to grieve however you want to do it. Don't let there be a time frame, nor people telling you. They don't get it till it happens to them. Truly.
I moved out of our house after trying for 5 months. Everywhere I went in that house he should have been. As we were building a spec house I decided after talking with my sons, to move into that. It's not as convenient a house, but it is just mine, not his and mine. Don't know if that made it better I just knew the other one was terrible.
You do things your way! However will get you through the day.
I am glad you are posting on this blog, it's a good outlet. I wrote a lot of things on my computer and I still have them. My thoughts, feelings, poems etc. You maybe think that this is the wrong place to post your feelings. But those of us who have gone through it - we know!
Norm, It's only been 8 months 'wow time fly's by " for me since I lost my husband . and yes it does get lonley. What helped me is that I painted my kitchen, bought some new furniture, changed some things around in my home to make it mine and not our's. I'm not saying go out and spend a lot of money but it helped me. It sounds sad but I miss my mom who passed away just 6 day's b4 Tammy, her's was sudden and I still see her laying in my Dinning Room Floor where she calasped from a hart attack. neither Tami , my mom or husband's were the same . but it still hurts. I have my home full now with (6) my childern and a neice. that keep's me busy. till I go to bed at night and have time to think of the one's I have lost ( Tami,Bill,& Mom ) and cry myself to sleep.
I get it - I know it and yes it sucks. I had to chuckle with the WWTD - she would appreciate that. I am glad you are posting - it should help venting some. My thoughts are with you - prayers too.
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