Well yesterday was to be round number 11, and it actually turned into round number one. The Dr decided my body had reached maximum toxicity from the oxalaplatinum and also decided to withhold the avastin since I have been having bowel problems for the last couple of weeks, Scary stuff in a way, exciting in another way. Basically what they did was pull out the next "big" gun rather than putting me on maintainence chemo and waiting for growth of the tumors as mayo suggested. This chemo hopefully will continue to shrink my tumors, hopefully making it possible to have liver resection surgery at some point. Well at least that is my take on it from my reading, Ididn't get to actually talk to the Dr. It is scary that they withheld the avastin, but with the problems I have been having he wants to talk to me next week about possible surgery on my colon. This is kinda scary too as he said last week if they operated on my colon, my liver tumors would take over in the 6 weeks it takes to recover from surgery. Having said that, if the tumor in my colon is moving or has moved back into my colon and could immenently cause a blockage , then continuing the avastin would make no sense as the odds are not good at even coming out of the operating room if you have avastin in your system. So, all in all, this is not what I was expecting but am ok with it. It is amazing how much better I feel just from having the oxalyplatinum removed from my chemo. Round 10 was way too scary, I was so out of it and I have to weigh that with how much better I feel today and know it was time to get me off of that. I wish I could have did it 2 more times and am scared for what the future brings but know either way truly it is in God's plan. I do have lots of nausea this time but hoping that is temporary. The side effects so far have been 200% better. I can even drink cold drinks again, go outside without my mouth covered in the cold and I can walk. I can feel the lasting effects from the oxalyplatinum in my tingly fingers and feet, and as I said I would have did the next two rounds just to kill off more cancer, but hopefully this way we can kill off more cancer, who knows maybe this treatment will work better than the last and kill off ALL the cancer. So, in brief I am off of folfox with avastin and am now on folfiri w/o avastin til we see what my colon is doing. They can add avastin back in if my colon works itself out,
What I really need right now is prayers for the right answer to be shown, and for My Dr to have the knowledge to do what is needed to keep me hanging in for the longest possible.
As always my sweet sister Sherry took me in for chemo. She is so good to me, I love her so very much. I can't forget my other sister Debbie, that sent down the most amazing tuna noodle casserole and chicken noodle soup. She also made me some of my favorite filled pillows to keep me warm. My sisters are the best in the world and I love them so very much. I am so glad I have them in my life.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
What a lovely family you have -- glad to see you enjoying your grandkids. Keep on strong, I am rooting this new chemo will work for you!
Tammi; as always you are in out prayers and thoughts every single day. as they say trust in the Lord. he always has his hand on your shoulder. will be thinking of you a lot tonight at our party. anxious to meet more of you family. love and prayers as always. Barb and Dale Clifton
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