Kristi came to take me to get my labwork done yesterday. Korban, my grandson was with her and as I turned around to look at him, I could see his eyes smiling. You know that genuine, you are loved look from a childs eyes? It's been in my mind ever since. Those beautiful smiling eyes looking right at me. My grandson loves me without any care in the world. He is 2 years old and I call him lovingly booga. I have no idea where I got his nickname, but he is my little booga, and he makes my eyes smile when I look at him. Actually all my grandkids make my eyes smile. They are an inspiration of what can be. I pray that they go far in life. They are just like blank little canvases waiting to be painted, to have their lives mapped out and to make a mark on this world. I finally figured out how to upload a picture, tell me, does this not make your eyes smile?
those eyes would make anyone smile. you have some beautiful grandkids. they are definately a good reason to keep fighting.as my sister always says "make it a great day"
Those eyes do make you smile!!! What great pictures!!! Stay strong Tami, I am keeping you in my prayers girl! You can do this.
Tami, those babies and thier beautiful eyes smiling make by heart smile. I see the love for their beautiful grandma in their eyes. And, oh, those great hugs. Aren't they the best!!!!
Love ya.
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