You know how sometimes you are talking to someone and you just lost interest in the conversation? This is what happens when I go to my Dr. I hear blah blah blah, tumor blah blah blah. Basically that is all I took from our conversation on tuesday. He is just a oncologist, he doesnt know anything about surgery, blah blah blah. Just continue the chemo blah blah blah. I just was sitting there thinking of sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me, can't hear you... all those childish little sayings came flooding into my head, the only thing I didn't do was stick my fingers in my ears and start chanting. So in other words he had nothing good to say to me, and I trust him about 0% from what I did hear. Norm says I have to learn to have faith in my Dr's, I say ya when I find one that hears what I am saying and can explain instead of selling me a used car that doesn't run, but has a cute paint job.
Sorry, if it sounds like I am losing my mind,maybe I am. I am just frustrated with the medical community and am ready to just say ok time for a vacation, if all I am ever gonna hear is chemo, chemo, chemo, then I say blah blah blah, so now I am thinking I need to maybe check out other oncologists, other liver surgeons, maybe a colon surgeon, maybe I have been going about this the wrong way, maybe if I don't submit mayos records since these Dr's act like Mayo is God, then maybe they will listen to me. My Dr looked at the same report he saw weeks ago and acted like well mayo had suddenly appeared with their opinion, hmm too bad he had those papers last time I was there, I am just a number, not a patient, not even someone who has rights, or deserves to be given a chance at life.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago