Sorry for not updating sooner, the internet was down when we got home yesterday. Anyways, after a rough night in the hospital, Tami decided that she wanted to go home and see the puppies and sleep in her on bed. We opted out on the surgery for the ileostomy, the risks of a surgery and the recovery time just doesn't sound appealing to Tami, not to mention the bad on her side. The surgery is there when ever we might change our minds, but for right now, it feels better not to do it. It didn't really seem to add alot of benefits compared to what it could cost her.
We are working on getting the pain pump procedure done though, we were going to transfer from DMH to St. Mary's where they do that procedure, but as I said above, Tami had enough. The last night we had stayed there we had yet another code blue on our floor, only a couple doors down. I think this was the first one Tami actually heard though and it struck to close to the heart for her. As I said here and in my blog, it does make it too real at times.
We took Tami to get a catheter put in today to help her pee, she had been doing ok with it but it slowed down later today. We thought maybe that having one at home would be a good idea. It didn't go so well, it never fails with Tami, if something can go wrong it will. She had it put in, and did not get any fluid return till we got home, then just a small amount. That wasn't too concerning to me, but then the pain and pressure started and we finally decieded to take her back to have it checked out. On the way back the pain just got worse, I finally said that it probably just needs to come out. I worry that the tumor by her bladder is causing issues, with the ballon inflated in there it might be making things worse. Once it was removed the pain subsided somewhat, but it just ended up being another frsustrating night.
Tami is very scared, heck I am too. I am here with her now, and next week her sister Debby will be, from there out I will need to look into havin someone come stay with her while I am at work. I hate having a stranger come in, but I know there are people that do this and would be very good for her. I am not sure when we will get into St Mary's for this pain pump, it will be a coupel day visit for that procedure, I just hope it will help some.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Norm thanks for letting us know. I imagine home did sound good after a stay in the hospital. Hopefully they can get the pain pump in real soon. I'm sure having Debby there next week will be a comfort for Tami.
Bless your hearts, I know you are scared. Who wouldn't be with all you've been through. We will all continue to, Brenda
Norm send my love to Tami and give her a big hug for me. I know this is a hard time for the both of you and pray that all the pain would just go away and things can get back to normal for the family ( wishfull thinking ) it just breaks my heart that ya'll have to go through this.
Love Debbie
so good to heat that Tami is back home with the puppies and her wonderful supporting family. good also to hear that Debby will be with her next week. having a nurse with her in the future will be comforting for you and Tami. you won't have to worry as much about her when there is someone there with her. please remember to always call if there is something I can do for you guys......Barb
Thanks for the update Norm - I talked to Tami yesterday and although it was good to talk to her, her news was not. I will be over sometime next week and will try to do so the following week .... if necessary I can take off from my part time job. I pray for Tami to have freedom from the pain.
Thoughts and prayers for you and your family. I know this is a tough time. You are not the only ones going through this stinkingly crummy disease, but when it is you or your loved one, it seems like you are alone. You aren't alone. God is there and people you don't know are praying for you, lifting your name and praying for peace and freedom from pain.
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