Well maybe it's time to not be so depressing on this blog. I mean I dont feel horrible 24/7. Now that is not to say I dont miss Tami like mad 24/7, but I dont think I honor her by feeling sorry for myself 24/7. The picture I included here was taken back in the beginning of time for me and Tami. Her first trip up to Canada to see me. This specific picture was taken at
Chilliwack Lake, Britsh Columbia. This was at the back of the lake where my family camped many times when I was a kid. The back of the Lake is no longer accessible by car, but at this time we could still get there. Tami loved the mountains and the county up there. In fact I would go as far as to say she made me appreciate what beauty I had up there and just took for granted on a daily basis. Isn't that a life lesson for us all, lets not stop earning from Tami. Make sure you appreciate all the beauty in your life around you at all times, taken nothing for granted.

Tami's first visit up there was a lot of fun. Sarah came up with her. And for a side note, the picture above was taken moments before I got Sarah mad at me for the very first time as well. The note to self taken that day was "Throwing little girl in lake funny once, not so funny second time." It was fun sharing something like that with Tami (and Sarah and I dont mean making Sarah mad at me either :)) and I am glad I was able to do that. Oh there is many more things I wish I could have done with Tami, but I was able to do a lot with her as well.
Anyways, I think that I probably will try out a grief support group. Someone at work lost their wife about 2 months before me and really recommended how much it is helping him out. I will at the very least give it a go. The past week has shown me that I really don't have a firm grasp on what I am doing or where I am going. And after a particularly scary night last Sunday on a personal level, I think I need to at least try other avenues.
I got to spend a bunch of time with Sarah this weekend, she has proven well in becoming a backup moral compass for me, meaning when I am about to do something stupid she isn't afraid to tell me so. She is a lot like her mom and that is something for her to be very proud of.
Sunday is proving to be the toughest day to get thru, not so much during the day, but the evening. I guess it's sort of the wind down day, everyone is settling in for the week ahead, its harder to find a distraction to keep me occupied. Chances are good that Sunday evening will be a day I am guaranteed to have to get thru on my own.
The song of the day is
Fly to the Angels by Slaughter and the
lyrics here, here is a small sample:
Pictures of you--
oh, theyre still on my mind--
you had the smile--
that could light up the world--
now it rains--
it seems the sun never shines--
and I drive--
this lonely lonely road--
oooo I got this feelin'--
girl I gotta let you go--
'cause now youve got to fly--
(fly high)--
fly to the angels--
heaven awaits your heart--
and flowers bloom in your name--
you've got to fly--
(fly high)--
fly to the angels--
all the stars in the night--
shine in your name--