Isn't it sad the the roots of Chemotherapy can be traced back to the use of Mustard gas used to kill people back in World War I, the fact that we spend so much on military and killing people and we accidentally found out it can help with Cancer, Imagine where we would be if all that money was spent in the War on Cancer. Dont take me wrong, I am not naive, I know that we need a military, that the world is not mature enough to survive without military might, but just take a second to imagine what the collective world powers could do with Cancer if they really tried... nice dream isnt it.
8 months later and I am still kicking... another first down, awaiting the next...
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
hang on Norm, believe it or not it does get a little easier. you are a strong person I know you can do this. BARB
All the years and all the technology and we still have no cure - I wonder sometimes if the medical world wants a cure, they would lose alot of money if they could cure cancer ... something I do not want to believe, but like I say, I wonder sometimes.
The lost feeling does subside, the memories become sweeter ... life goes on and that just doesn't seem fair.
Hang in there and keep busy.
Blessings - Nanc
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