So this weekend was the NASCAR race at Chicagoland Speedway. Me and Tami started going to races some years back, the first time being a fathers day present from her to me, she ended up enjoying herself more than she thought she would, and the rest is history.
Friday is the Nationwide Series race among other on track activities. I went up myself on Friday, and actually it was kinda nice to go solo. One I could just wonder as I pleased, two I could just kinda take it all in without Tami there. Funny thing is the drive up it rained the whole way, and when I parked it continied to rain, and then about a half hour later the sun came out and was beutiful the rest of the day and night. I have been trying to take Tami's advice from some of her recordings, about moving forward, not letting her cancer take anymore life away anymore. So I have been, and it felt ok at the race this weekend, yeah I still feel guilty that I get to enjoy these things that she loved as well, but I know she would have been more hurt if I continued to dwell on the hell we went thru the last 2 years.
Saturday was the cup race, I went up with my borther-in-law Mike in his motorhome along with a couple people from work. That was a good time as well. The weather was beautiful once again, not too hot, no rain. I was all decked out in Kurt Busch gear, my driver had always been Mark Martin and he came out of retirement this year, but the last few years since he stepped away to a partial schedule I picked up Busch as he was Tami's favorite driver, I just felt like I had to wear the blue deuce colors again this year, so I did. I must mention as well, anytime I wear Mark Martin stuff he does poorly, so no Martin stuff on race day :)
I little over halfway into the race, off an excellent pitstop the 5 car came out in the lead, and continued to lead most of the race. Now on a personal level I haven't had much reason to believe in much, I guess a faith crisis if you want to label it. As we got closer to the end of the race I thought to myself, "Tami, if Martin wins this race, I will go to church tomorrow." Anyone that has followed NASCAR and specificly Martin at Chicagoland knows he generally runs well there but usually has late problems. Well this race was no different. On a restart Martin slide up the track in turn one falling to third behind Johnston and Vickers. I thought to myself, least I dont have to get up and go to church tomorrow.
Once again the caution flew, and we were poised for another restart, this time Vickers and Hamlin managed to muscle by Johnston and he fell way back, then not much longer Hamlin and Vickers touched and slide up the track and there was Martin, out front again and the rest is history, and I drug my butt to church this morning.
You can spin that how you want, Martin has been running good this year, he always has done well at Chicagoland, but all the races me and Tami went to, we never got to see our favorite driver win, and of all years, this year I get to see Martin win. Could be something, could be nothing, all I know is I made a promise last night and I thought I better keep it, I am sure Tami has enough to kick my butt for right now, I dont need to add to it.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
sounds like you had a good time at the races. that's great. I'm sure Tammi was cheering up above too and she was smiling down on you at the races. now here we go with another week. I don't know about you but I detest Mondays. I think most people do. try to have a good week. Barb
I do believe Tami was having fun with you at the races and was checking if you were in church ... LOL ... it is something she would do. I think she is telling you that is ok to live and enjoy life - she knew you loved her and now she wants what is best for you ... she will guide you.
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