So Wednesday of last week I had to drive to the Department of Homeland Security's Immigration office to get finger printed for citizenship, you know I cant go anywhere new it seems, no I have never been to this office before but the trip took my right by the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. And of course I started thinking, that was the first NASCAR race me and Tami attended together, those tickets she bought me of course.... can you guess? Yup, a Fathers Day gift. And beyond that there was just alot of race trips and memories to go along with it all, lots of NASCAR, a Formula 1 race, and alot of good times. And I remeber the good times, but they still, at this point, make me sad. Yup, our 1st race, where I think Tami ended up enjoying it more than I did, and of course Indy was where Tami first decided that Kurt Busch was her driver after his altercation with Jimmy Spencer.
Friday was another fun day with Mckyala and Korbin, we got to swim, and of course Mckyala after a small bathroom break came running our from the house and jumped into the pool without her floaties, of course she popped right back up with her big eyes wide open. I asked her if she had forgotten anything, and then told her I think it would be ok if she swam without floaties and she was quite excited about that, Nana would be so proud of her. And not to be out done, Korban swam into the deep end with his floaties on, this was a big step for him as he preffered to swim with his arms wrapped tightly around my neck last year.
Sunday was a good day as well, Sarah and Josh came out and brought food for a cookout, and Sarah baked me some Chocolate Chip Cookies, they even cleans the kitchen afterwards. It was a nice day, and I still count my blessings as I dont know how I would get thru these past few months (almost 4 now) without Sarah. Fathers Day isn't about getting a day off or getting a cool gift, its about being proud of your kids and seeing who they have grown up to be, and maybe even patting yourself on the back a little because you might have had a little influence on that (the good and the bad ;) ).
I hope, even though I have just a lowly stepFather, that I have been a good one and that I have been atleast half as good as my own dad has been. That is a huge undertaking as he set the bar real high.
I hope everyone had a good day as well, even if your dad is no longer with you, I hope you remebered him and honored him.
As a personal side note, all you anonoymous comment makers, leave your name, I would love to know who is commenting :)
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
Happy belated father's day to you!
Sounds like you had a wonderful day. Nice to be a grandpa, isn't it? Thanks for sharing your pool&kids story -- put a smile on my face. :)
-- the lounge queen
Hi Norm -- I agree with the lounge queen -- it was really nice to hear you sounding happy and proud about the kids and grandkids.
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