Have you had a colonoscopy? If you haven't and are abover age 40, please get one. Use me for your example of what could happen. If only I would have had one 3 years ago.. I would be in much better health now.
The Dr's figure I have had cancer for 3-4 years. How can that possibly be? This is my thought for today. I have been pretty healthy, heck I lost 50 pound last year with diet and exercise, I was in the best health I have ever been in. Theres this little nagging voice in my head.. I should have listened to my body better. I had horrible pains in my right side off and on for maybe 2 years. I asked my Dr about them, but he said take gasex. Sheesh who was I to question him? Especially something as sensitive as discussing bodily functions. I just accepted what he said.
That was the ONLY symptom I had. Colon cancer is the number 2 cancer killer in the world and it is silent, no symptoms! How could I have been so foolish and not listened to my body better?
I had a colonoscopy at 37 for diarrea and the Dr declared me completely clean and told me to return in 10 years. I so wish I wouldn't have had a colonoscopy then and I would have waited til I was 41 or 42. Too many what if's to worry about now, but please listen to your body!
On the homefront,I went in for a CT scan today, this will tell us if the tumors are shrinking, I find out the news on Wednesday when I go in for Chemo. Thank you Sherry for taking me for chemo every two weeks. My family is wonderful!
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
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