We lost yet another one, I am sure everyone heard about Patrick Swayze of course. It should just be an eye opener to everyone how deadly and how little we really know about cancer. I still feel bad, when someone mentioned Patrick Swayze way back when, how terrible it was he had cancer, and I would say something like I wish we had all his money to deal with it, it didn't help him, and after his TV special when he talked about his ordeal and how it mirrored Tami's I knew that money doesn't buy love, or life.
Fun Patrick Swayze Memory
So I'm doin pretty good, I feel like I really mad a big turn at 6 months, as well as some things I have read and just all the self-reflection my free time allows. The big thing is what do I want to do with this part of my life, dwell on sadness or turn my attention towards taking what good I can from everything and make a better person out of myself. I think the second one sounds better. That has nothing to do with forgetting Tami or anything like that, that would never happen, but I need to take her advice, and move forward, find people and things to channel myself in. I asked Nancy at work if I could run next year, so next year I will do the Bloomington to Peoria run for St Jude again, I want to be active in the fund raising and make a difference. On that note, Sept 28 is "The Big Day" at all Chilli restaurants, all proceeds from that day go to St Jude's so treat yourself to dinner or lunch that day.
Anyways, as I said I am doin good, work has been hectic, but thats good for me, I made a freind or 2 and its good to talk with someone my age and that can relate to me on an adult level, not that I would trade my discussion of the Bloomington sewage treatment plant with McKayla and Korban for the world, but you know, a freind is a nice thing to have.
You also might have noticed I am not updating every weekend, I am trying to break my cycles, to do things when I feel like it, not because I scheduled it. Anyways, thanks to everyone that stops by and leaves a comment of support, its all really appreciated even still.
Psychic Kids
15 years ago
I so happy that you have decided to get on with your life and do some good. Tami would be immensely proud of you (as am I). You have been given a life -- and you are ready to make the most of it. Way to go, Norm!
-- the lounge queen
sure do miss your weekly blogs. I am so glad also that you are trying to continue on with your life. I know that this has to help a lot. Barb
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